Coach Yourself to Win by Jon Emmett

In my last post I depressed everyone enough by listing Nick Craig’s achievements. So I decided that I wouldn’t mention the fact that Jon Emmett has coached a Laser Radial sailor to an Olympic Gold Medal as well as winning 3 World Championships, 3 European Championships, 6 National Championships and a bunch of other important events. It’s best that you don’t know about all that, or you’ll just have to go through the whole depression cycle again.

Coach Yourself to Win

There’s a good chance that many who read this will already have one or both of Jon’s previous books – Be Your Own Sailing Coach and Be Your Own Tactics Coach. If you’ve read the former (as I have) you’ll already be familiar with many of the ideas in his new book, but this new publication has much to offer. If you haven’t read Be Your Own Sailing Coach then Coach Yourself to Win will really help you develop your sailing and improve your results. Continue reading

Helming to Win by Nick Craig

Prepare to feel bad about yourself. If you have a fragile ego, or are prone to bouts of depression then I strongly suggest that you DO NOT read on.

I finally got my hands on a book that I’ve wanted to see since I heard it was coming out early this year. Helming to Win by Nick Craig landed on my mat last week, and I immediately got stuck in to reading it.


I was excited because Nick Craig is a name I’ve come across time and again reading about dinghy sailing. He’s probably not very well known outside of the UK because he’s not a professional sailor on the Olympic circuit. But his record is unbelievable.

Which brings us to the depressing part. Continue reading