Regatta Day Menus

What the Experts Say

This section will be completed soon…

Videos for Regatta Day Menus

I haven’t come across any really good videos for regatta day menus. If you know of something then please send me an email or post in the comments and I’ll add it to the page.

Books with information on Regatta Day Menus

Jon Emmett – Be Your Own Sailing Coach, page 202 and page 207

Websites and online articles for Regatta Day Menus

The document on Nutrition from the Tamug Sailing Team has some Race Day food suggestions

There is lots of helpful advice about how to plan what you eat before racing

This article talks about the food eaten whilst on the water…

…as does this article on energy supplements for sailors

This piece is on sailing in cold conditions, and has some suggestions as to what to eat and when to help retain performance.

And this article talks about how to use food to help you recover after a day’s sailing

This is a piece on race day fuelling for runners – most of which is relevant for sailors too

Here is a pre-marathon breakfast which would work before a day’s racing too

What We Learned…

Top Tips for Food and Drink on Race Day

  1. Keep your carbs levels up
    You slow down when your glycogen levels drop and your body has to get energy from stored fat, so keep topping up your carbs to stay fast and alert
  2. Don’t try new foods (or gels or bars or drinks) on important race days
    You never know how you’re going to react with new foods, so don’t use them when the results matter. For this reason…
  3. Bring your own food with you
    (unless you’re SURE you can get the food you want when you’re there)
  4. Refuel within 1 hour of racing
    This is when your body will make the best use of the food you put into it.
  5. Go for low fibre and low fat
    This will help keep your stomach feeling good, and…
  6. Go for high Carbohydrate and protein
    to keep your energy levels high and protect your muscles
  7. Be aware of caffeine content in supplements
    If you’re not used to caffeine in your diet then now isn’t the time to experiment (no matter how little you slept the night before)
  8. Mix up your flavours
    Some people know what they like, and that’s fine. But if variety will help make sure you take on enough of the right foods and drinks then make sure you give yourself a few different flavours
  9. Make sure your food won’t melt (or freeze)
    What you have with you needs to be edible!
  10. Take on enough liquid
    Drink water in the build up to the race day, so you are fully hydrated to begin with, and keep taking on fluids during the day. A dehydrated body is less efficient, and a dehydrated mind makes poorer decisions. Not fast.
  11. Have a good bag that’ll keep your food and drink dry
    Especially if you’re sailing on the sea. Too much added salt is not good for the tastebuds.

Breakfast on Race Day

Porridge / Oats

A good bowl of porridge made with milk or water, and served with banana or blueberries and/or some honey. It is easy to digest, will release energy steadily over a long period of time.

Overnight oats are also very good and worth a try.

Scrambled Eggs on bagels or toast

Good source of protein and carbs. Don’t use the highly processed white bread – go for something wholegrain.

Natural yoghurt with fruit

Good for protein and easy on the stomach.

Food on the Water

Sports Gels

Sports Bars



Drink on the Water

Water (with lemon or lime)

Sports drinks

Food immediately after Racing

Protein and Carb bar

Protein Shake

Smoothie with yoghurt

Chocolate Milk (Low Fat)

Beans on Toast

Wholewheat roll with meat / Cheese / Tuna

Fruit & yoghurt